Occasionally a cartridge may show a "Supply Memory Error".

First Step

Remove the cartridge and look at the underside for a microchip or metal contact.  Check to see that is isn't cracked or hasn't fallen off and that there is nothing obstructing it.

Next Step

With the cartridge removed, look in the printer and look for any foreign objects that may be in the printer that could possibly get in the way of the chip or contact, if there is something there remove it if possible.  

Results & How to Clear the Error

If the chips and the contacts are not obstructed and there are no foreign objects in the printer.  The next step is to reinstall the cartridge, and wait for the printer to display the error again. 

Depending on your model of printer it may ask you to hit the red button or the "?" button... however do not do that, all it will do is put you in a perpetual loop telling you to push the button over and over!

All you need to do is press the "OK" or the green check-mark button.  If the "issue" is only caused by the printer recognising a non original cartridge this will almost always clear the message and allow you to go back to printing normally until the machine is powered down or the cartridge is removed.

If you find that after following this procedure you are still having a problem please Contact Us, include your order number, the model of printer and provide us with the exact error message shown on the printer.