The easiest way to find the correct cartridges for your printer is to search by your printer model.

Your printer model number can be in one of several places.  The printer model is usually on the front of your printer. Depending on what printer you own, the model name could be on the corners or the centre of the front-facing cover.  If it is on the front of the machine, it is usually close to the control panel.

Example locations: 

Pop your printer model number in the top of the search bar and select your printer from drop-down list that will show automatically without you having to press enter or click search.  If you use a series number this will not work for you – you will need the exact model number.  You can also locate your printer by using the "Printer Cartridge Finder" on our Homepage.


Your printer will then be listed and all offers and cartridges suitable for your printer will be listed on that page.